Hi, I'm Estelle!

I've been a registered dietitian for more than 14 years and have a passion for nutrition and living a healthy lifestyle. Now that I am a mom as well, I've been trying to find easy ways to get my family to eat our veggies. I decided to give greens powder a try!

Me and my dad on a journey to test the best superfoods greens powder
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Me and my dad on a journey to test the best superfoods greens powder

The healthiest and best tasting super greens powder of 2024

My search for the best greens powder

Last updated: 07/20/2024

Hi, I’m Estelle!

I've been a registered dietitian for more than 14 years and have a passion for nutrition and living a healthy lifestyle. Now that I am a mom as well, I've been trying to find easy ways to get my family to eat our veggies. I decided to give greens powder a try!

Me and my dad on a journey to test the best superfoods greens powder
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Me and my dad on a journey to test the best superfoods greens powder

The healthiest and best tasting super greens powder of 2024

Evidence based
87+ hours research

My search for the best greens powder

Last updated: 07/20/2024

All the superfoods greens powder I tested

The 18 candidates!

I went on a journey to find the best greens powder in the market for my family. I applied a methodological approach and found the product that wins on the most important factors: taste, smell, texture, health benefits and ingredients.

Sometimes supplement brands are not very transparent and the most important information is hard to find. Read on to see how I scored the products I tried, discover the details behind each score and learn from how I found these hidden nuances — so you don't have to!

★ Winner ★
Enso Supergreens

An image of Supergreens
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Coupon DAILY 10 [expiring soon!] gets you an extra 10% off

4.9 / 5
An image of 5 stars

What I love:

  1. The best tasting greens powder

  2. Custom blend of 19 raw organic ingredients

  3. All natural superfood ingredients

  4. 100% certified organic, vegan, gluten-free

  5. Has probiotics and digestive enzymes for gut health

  6. Easy to make

  7. Supports immunity system

  8. Made in California

  9. No added sugars

  10. 30 day money back guarantee

What could be better:

  1. Only available online (and runs out sometimes)

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Coupon DAILY 10 [expiring soon!] gets you an extra 10% off

  1. "Enso Supergreens checks all of the boxes for a super greens powder that is easy to use, tastes good, and has all of the organic superfoods needed to help aid with digestion, boost my energy levels and overall health, and promote immunity and longevity down the line"

— as reviewed by WiseGeek (2022)

As seen

The results

My search for the best greens powders

My search for the best greens powder

In a perfect world, we'd all be getting the fresh and clean fruits and vegetables our body needs to function well and for us to live our best healthy lives. However, for some — like me! — life gets crazy sometimes and this becomes mission impossible; for others — like my son! — let's just say green is not their preferred color when it comes to picking their food.

Greens powder created from nutritious green superfoods are not meant to substitute anything, but to provide us with a green safety net that helps us stay on track and supplement our diet. They contain crucial nutrients that help us bridge the gaps in our nutrition: the difference between what we should be taking in every day and what we actually are.

Click here
to jump directly to my top choice!

Scientifically testing 🔬

All superfood greens powder I tested

All of my "greenies"!

Even as a Registered Dietitian with 14 years of clinical experience, finding the most well-rounded, healthiest and best-tasting super greens powder can be a challenging task, considering the wide variety of products available on the market. To make an informed choice, several factors need to be considered:

  1. Focusing only on supergreens or greens powder products. I didn't want to test greens powders with extra protein, or powders for different purposes.
  2. Not choosing powders with only one ingredient. I was looking for a combination of superfood ingredients with a whole array of health benefits.
  3. Not using any other flavors and testing all the powders with water — I wanted to get the 'real' taste of these products, without any other mixes.

I purchased and carefully tested 18 products (in the picture above) that passed this test and would then go through the process below:

My score sheet for superfood greens powder

In action: my scorecard!

  1. Each day, I prepared and tested a different greens powder. I prepared them myself to measure how easy it was to make them.
  2. I poured one serving into a glass to see what the product looked like immediately and then after a few minutes. I wanted it to be consistent.
  3. I tried the products in the morning with my kids, took extensive notes and used the scorecard above (with my rating system) to rate the different products.
  4. I measured my level of energy and how I felt by the end of each day.
  5. I researched all of the ingredients in these products, their certifications, health benefits — so you don't have to!
  6. I scored them on different factors (see below), calculated the final scores and ranked the different powders accordingly.
All the superfoods greens powder I tested

The 18 candidates!

In a perfect world, we'd all be getting the fresh and clean fruits and vegetables our body needs to function well and for us to live our best healthy lives. However, for some — like me! — life gets crazy sometimes and this becomes mission impossible; for others — like my dad! — let's just say green is not their preferred color when it comes to picking their food.

Greens powder created from nutritious green superfoods are not meant to substitute anything, but to provide us with a green safety net that helps us stay on track and supplement our diet. They contain crucial nutrients that help us bridge the gaps in our nutrition: the difference between what we should be taking in every day and what we actually are.

These are the factors that mattered to me for a greens powder

Health benefits
asy to make

I wanted my greens powder to have the right ingredients from the best sources. My goal was to start thinking about health in a more preventive (vs reactive way). I didn't want to wait until I had a problem, but make sure I was getting what my body needs.

However, the best greens powder is the one you'll actually take everyday, and if it doesn't taste good, the likelihood of that happening decreases. At least I knew I wouldn't have a shot with my kids. Taste is a crucial factor!

I also wanted to make sure the powder was easy to make and I was comparing prices in the most effective way possible (per serving).

So, here are the nitty gritty conclusions I made during my experiment and I’ll give more information on the greens powder I ended up choosing. Dive in and feel free to leave any comments of your own if you’ve tried any of these brands!

What are superfoods and greens powder anyway?

There's a lot of BS around the terms green and superfood so it's hard to cut through the noise. I spent hours researching and speaking with nutrition specialists to convince my kids to give superfoods a shot. I'll share what I learned below and hopefully this helps you too!

Let's start with what "superfoods" are not. It is not a scientific term. Superfoods are not magical or meant to replace full fresh meals with whole foods.

According to Harvard School of Public Health, "a food is promoted to superfood status when it offers high levels of desirable nutrients, is linked to the prevention of a disease, or is believed to offer several simultaneous health benefits beyond its nutritional value". It might not be a scientific term, but it made its way to the dictionary. Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines a superfood as “a food (such as salmon, broccoli, or blueberries) that is rich in compounds (such as antioxidants, fiber, or fatty acids) considered beneficial to a person’s health.”

Superfoods Guide to a balanced plate

Fitbit's Guide To Building A Balanced Plate - Fitbit Blog

What about greens powder? Well, greens powder -- which are made of superfoods -- are described by WebMD as a "dietary supplement that helps people reach their daily recommended intake of vitamins and minerals. The nutrient combination in greens powder is formulated to support your body’s immune system and energy levels while meeting the nutrition requirements for a healthy diet.". 

Since Americans aren't anywhere close to reaching their recommended intake of fruits and veggies, greens powders started being endorsed by multiple doctors and nutritionists as compliments to a quality diet. Men's Health interviewed a few of them:

“I like a good greens product as a supplement for individuals who have an aversion to veggies, cannot consume enough veggies, or during travel. The best greens products have natural sources of vitamins and minerals, including key micronutrients that are often deficient in our diet." -- Abbie Smith, Ph.D., C.S.C.S., an associate professor of exercise physiology at UNC Chapel Hill

 “High quality greens powders are loaded with powerful plant nutrients and are a great way to supplement your diet with all the amazing compounds found in greens,” says Danielle Omar, M.S., R.D., an Integrative Dietitian at FoodConfidence.com.

🏆 The best greens powder I tried:

★ Winner ★
Live it Up

Enso Supergreens superfood greens powder
Check Price

Promo code TODAY10 [expiring soon!] gets you an extra 10% off

An image of 5 stars

What I love:

  1. An image of a tick icon

    The best tasting greens powder

  2. An image of a tick icon

    20+ superfoods

  3. An image of a tick icon

    Made with organic vegetables

  4. An image of a tick icon

    All natural and non-GMO

  5. An image of a tick icon

    100% vegan, gluten-free, nut-free

  6. Boosts immunity, digestion and energy

  7. Probiotics and enzymes for gut health and bloating

  8. Sugar free

  9. No Stevia or artificial sweeteners

  10. No caffeine

  11. Easy to make

  12. Third party tested

  13. GMP (Good Manufacturing Practices) certified

  14. 30-day money-back guarantee

  15. Free shipping

What could be better:

  1. No welcome kit

  2. Thin powder

  3. Only available online

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Just one note: this blog is reader-supported. When you purchase products through links on this site, I may earn a commission which helps keep the site free of ads. Live it Up was in fact my favorite and the highest-scoring greens powder I tried so BestGreenPowder is an affiliate of Live it Up. I did try all of them myself (as you can see!) so I encourage you to read through my detailed review and find what might be best for you and your specific needs. I may also earn commissions from these other products if you buy them through Amazon affiliate. Thank you for your support!

★ Overall Rating ️
My ABSOLUTE favorite! Live it Up checked all of my boxes:

(1) Ingredients and health benefits: made with organic vegetables (sourced locally and produced in the US) and the mix the product is what makes this really special. Packed with the micronutrients, vitamins and minerals that most diets lack due to the deficiency of greens, the product contains a wide variety of nutritious greens (from the 'trendy' algae chlorella and spirulina to the more popular moringa and spinach) that cover the health benefits we all expect to get from eating healthier.

(2) Taste: Live it Up actually tastes and smells good. It's fresh, refreshing and it dissolves really well with a spoon or a mixer. The taste was good by itself in its simplest form (with water only), but it was easy to combine it with other liquids like milk (or milk alternatives) and juices.

(3) Price: all right, this wasn't the cheapest product I tried, but it is definitely on the most affordable side of the spectrum, especially when compared to its competitors at the same level of quality and variety of ingredients -- Athletic Greens sells for $99!

★ What I love ️
OK, did I say already how good this actually tastes? It was by far the best tasting product I tried. I would even categorize it as delicious when you mix it with milk and make a smoothie out of it. The freshness of the mint comes across in its taste and smell. Taste wasn't as much of a priority for me (as ingredients and health benefits were) but if you're seriously considering making a habit out of it, this has to be a pleasant drink. So, for those who want to think of their health in a more preventive (vs reactive) way and have a safety net of greens in your life, Live it Up is what I recommend after my research and tasting journey. I felt really great after drinking it daily for 30 days in my breakfast: more energized, focused, and ready for my day!

★ What could be better
Live it Up is one of the thinnest powders, which can be good and bad. Even though this makes it easier to mix and less chunky, it can also make it messier if you're a bit clumsy like me. Also, this product only sells online and, if you're not part of their subscription, it can run out quickly. As of now, the product is currently available on the Live it Up website!

★ Description
“Boost your greens to transform your health! Made with organic vegetables, all-natural and packed with 20+ superfoods, probiotics and digestive enzymes to improve your digestion, immunity and energy. Trust us, your body will thank you."

Preparing my Enso Superfoods greens powder

Preparing my Live it Up

Best Travel Pillows

My kids tasting Live it Up!

Check Live it Up

Check Live it Up

Promo code TODAY10 [expiring soon!] gets you an extra 10% off

★ Ingredients
Live it Up is a mix of 20 all-natural superfoods like spirulina, chlorella and kale -- but don't worry, I promise you it doesn't taste like kale. Nothing against kale, but its taste comes from peppermint leaf, another green superfood.

Live it Up Supergreens Supplement Fact table

I spent quite some time examining this nutrition table and going through ingredients one by one. I wanted to make sure I knew and understood could get behind all the ingredients I was consuming.

You can see all the vitamins (A, C, B6 and B12) and minerals at the top (calcium, for example, is known to provide support to the bones and teeth, as well as heart, muscles and nerves). You'll notice that all the vitamins are derived from the whole food on their natural form -- unlike Centrum and Athletic Greens, for example, that add synthetic vitamins to their product.

The certified organic ingredients (all listed at the bottom), as well as the probiotic and enzyme complex contained in the formula that promote gut health benefits.

You can also notice how low in calories (only 31) one serving actually is. Also, compared to others I tested, the level of carbohydrate is on the low range (4.8g or 1% of the estimated daily value).

There is so much history, research and data around each of these superfood ingredients and their holistic benefits to our health. I spent hours just studying and analyzing one of the 20 superfoods in Live it Up, spirulina.

Spirulina is a tiny blue-green algae (curiosity: it is believed to be one of Earth's oldest forms of life!) packed with nutrients. WebMD says Spirulina is an an endurance-booster, an all-in-one source of nutrients including protein levels comparable to eggs.

The Aztecs are known to use Spirulina to treat various diseases. Research ties Spirulina to potential powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, anti-cancer properties, muscle strength and endurance, and even brain-protective properties.

Health benefits of superfoods greens powders

Check Live it Up

Check Live it Up

Promo code TODAY10 [expiring soon!] gets you an extra 10% off

Update 09/2022: I became such a believer in – and unofficial ambassador of – Enso Supergreens that I decided to purchase the company and its formulas to further expand its mission to make it easy for everyone to live a healthy life! Bestgreenpowder.com is now an affiliate of Enso Superfoods!

Button Text

Runner up:

Athletic Greens AG1
Check Price
An image of 4 stars

What I love:

  1. Wide variety of ingredients

  2. Diverse health benefits

  3. Comprehensive Supplement Facts

  4. Probiotics and digestive enzymes

  5. GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) certified

  6. Third party tested

  7. Caffeine-free and nut-free

  8. Non-GMO

  9. Money-back guarantee

  10. Subscriber welcome kit

  11. Very nice and easy-to-use website

What could be better:

  1. Most expensive Green tested! More than double most powders in comparison at over $3.30 a serving

  2. Travel packs are even more expensive than the pouch

  3. Not organic

  4. Not 100% all-natural product (this is a deal breaker for me!)

  5. Has stevia

  6. Has sugars

  7. Didn't taste or smell very good

  8. Texture was too sandy

  9. Didn't dilute very well

  10. Not manufactured in the US (might be an important factor for some)

  11. Focuses too much on athletes

  12. Does not offer free shipping

Check Price

★ What I love ️
At first, this is an impressive product. The marketing and high investments on a beautiful package, brand and website help build trust and the best first impression out of all the products I tried. This ingredient list is in fact quite extensive and very complete. This product is also a great source of Biotin. The advertised health benefits cover energy, recovery, digestion and immunity. If you're interested in subscribing, getting the subscriber's kit makes you feel very special and further encourages you to turn your greens into a new daily habit.

★ What could be better
There's a lot of hype around Athletic Greens with all their advertising and endorsements lately. This leads to the inevitable question of whether the premium is worth it and how much of this is hype. No doubt AG1 is a great product and the health benefits are there (therefore the high score of this runner up), but the $99 price (almost an extra $60 compared to my first choice, Live it Up) just didn't make up for it. To be clear: it wasn't just the price. The list of cons can't be ignored: the product is not organic, not 100% natural (you can notice added synthetic vitamins listed on the ingredients side of their Supplement Fact Panel), has stevia listed as an ingredient, it's not sugar-free and it's not manufactured in the US. I also personally didn't like the smell, the texture (too sandy and didn't dilute very well) and the taste.

★ Description
"75 vitamins, minerals, and whole-food sourced nutrients in one convenient daily serving. One Scoop, 8 ounces of water. It's all you really need, really."

Athletic Greens AG1

AG1 powder

An image of 4 stars

What I love:

  1. Dairy Free

  2. Good source of vitamin, c, zinc and folate

  3. Better tasting than most

  4. Texture was great, not gritty

  5. Shaker provided - easy to prepare

What could be better:

  1. No free shipping

  2. Contains stevia and sugar

  3. Distinct taste and smell - too sweet

  4. No money back guarantee

  5. Can only return if product is unopened

Check Price

★ What I love ️
Huel green powder makes a solid first impression with its dairy-free composition, catering to those with lactose intolerance or dairy aversion. The high levels of vitamin C, zinc, and folate are particularly impressive, addressing some of the most common nutrient deficiencies and supporting overall health. These nutrients are crucial, not just for me but for my growing boys, ensuring we're all getting our daily essentials.

The ease of preparation is another highlight. The included shaker makes it convenient to prepare a smooth, well-blended drink, a blessing for any busy parent. The texture of Huel is commendable as well; it's smooth and not gritty, a common complaint with many green powders. And as for taste, it's better than most on the market, which is saying something in the world of green supplements. My boys, usually hesitant about new health foods, didn't turn their noses up at this one, a small victory in the quest for healthier living.

★ What could be better
However, there are several areas where Huel falls short. While the free merchandise is a nice touch, the lack of free shipping unless you purchase more than one product is a deterrent. It adds an extra layer of commitment and cost to the initial trial, which is risky when you're unsure if you'll like the product.

The small amount of sugar and inclusion of stevia is a concern. While it's less than other brands, as a dietitian, I advocate for minimal added sugars in any form. The very distinct and overly sweet smell of Huel can be off-putting, making it a less appealing choice for daily use.

The absence of a money-back guarantee is a significant downside. The policy of only returning unopened products doesn't allow for a real trial of the powder's taste and effects. This lack of flexibility can be frustrating for new customers looking to test the product before fully committing.

Super Green Tonik

Huel Greens powder

An image of 4 stars

What I love:

  1. High does of vitamin and minerals with most hitting 100% DV or more

  2. Plant based

  3. Gluten and soy free

  4. Vegan and stevia free

  5. Good source of soluble fiber

  6. Taste was decent, better than most

What could be better:

  1. Contains small amount of sugar

  2. Higher dose of carbohydrates then most

  3. Pricey

  4. No free shipping or money back guarantee

  5. Fairly new product, not many reviews on website

Check Price

★ What I love ️
Suja green powder initially presents itself as a robust nutritional choice, particularly impressive for its high doses of vitamins and minerals, with most reaching 100% Daily Value or more. This aspect is critical for me, both as a registered dietitian looking for nutrient-dense options and as a mother striving to provide the best for my growing boys. The plant-based, gluten and soy-free formulation suits various dietary needs, and it's vegan and stevia-free nature is a nod towards clean eating. As for the taste, it's pleasantly surprising and fares better than most, making it a relatively easier sell to my three boys, who are my toughest critics.

★ What could be better
Suja isn't without its flaws. The presence of sugar, even in small amounts, is a drawback, especially in a product that I'd like to incorporate regularly into my family's diet. Additionally, the higher dose of carbohydrates compared to others needs consideration, given the balanced diet I aim to maintain for myself and my family.

The price point is also a concern. As a budget-conscious mother, the lack of free shipping or a money-back guarantee adds layers of risk and expense to trying out this fairly new product. The novelty of Suja means there are not many reviews to lean on for a gauge of long-term satisfaction and effects, which doesn't help in making an informed decision.

Super Green Tonik

Suja Organic Greens powder

An image of 3.5 stars

What I love:

  1. Ingredient transparency

  2. Wider variety of superfoods

  3. Lots of flavors to pick from

  4. Pre and probiotic blend for gut health

  5. Free shipping

  6. Multiple Flavors

  7. No chemicals

What could be better:

  1. Seems like a copy of Athletic Greens

  2. Expensive product

  3. Powder was very clumpy and hard to mix

  4. Little ingredient transparency

  5. No vitamins and minerals listed on DV list

  6. Didn't taste very good - too sweet!!!

  7. Not organic

  8. Didn't dilute very well

Check Price

★ What I love ️
Bloom green powder immediately stands out with its very low-calorie and carbohydrate content compared to most competitors. For someone conscious about maintaining a balanced diet, both personally and for my family, this aspect is quite appealing. The inclusion of a pre and probiotic blend is a nice plus, emphasizing gut health, which is an important part of overall wellness.

The variety of superfoods in the ingredient list is impressive, hinting at a well-rounded nutritional profile. The range of flavors available offers the potential to keep things interesting, a crucial factor when trying to incorporate a new health product into a family's routine. My boys are always more receptive to trying new things when they have a say in the flavor, making this a desirable feature.

Additionally, the reasonable price point and easy availability at nationwide stores add to the practicality of incorporating Bloom into a daily diet. As a busy mom and dietitian, I appreciate products that don't require a lengthy or complicated process.

★ What could be better
Bloom has its shortcomings. The powder's clumpy nature and difficulty in mixing were immediate drawbacks. A smooth texture is key for palatability, especially when convincing young ones to try something new. The boys struggled with the lumps, and frankly, so did I.

The sweetness of the product, despite its low-calorie content, is another issue. The use of stevia, while a common sweetener in many health products, contributed to an overly sweet taste that was off-putting. My boys, who usually enjoy sweet things, found it too much, which says a lot.

The absence of vitamins and minerals listed on the Daily Value list is a significant concern for someone in my profession. As a registered dietitian, I emphasize the importance of knowing exactly what nutrients we're consuming, and this lack of transparency is a red flag.


Bloom powder

Green Vibrance

Green Vibrance
Check Price
An image of 3.5 stars

What I love:

  1. Packaging - can order different sizes, 15 day, 30 day, 60 day or even convenient packets for travel. Love that idea!

  2. High amounts of fat soluble vitamins A and E when compared to other greens

  3. Lots of probiotics and fiber in the product

  4. Taste was just ok - not much to it which can be good or bad

What could be better:

  1. Very gritty in the mouth

  2. No free shipping if not a subscriber

  3. No money-back gurantee

Check Price

★ What I love ️
Their nutrition facts/label is the best I've seen among superfood companies. It's really well organized and easy to understand for those who are not nutritionists. The product is one of the most complete ones, with more probiotics and fibers than the average product. I also liked that it is third-party tested, produced in the US and has a wider variety of superfoods.

★ What could be better
This doesn't taste good! I didn't like it at all, and didn't even have the courage to ask my kids to try. It's a light taste, but it does taste like a mix of veggies in a juice. This by itself almost ruled Green Vibrance out for me as an option. The product also wasn't sugar-free and organic, which made it lose some points as well. The pricing was too high for a product like this and given that there wasn't free shipping and money-back guarantee, Green Vibrance one wasn't a very competitive option for me overall.

★ Description
"America's #1 Superfood.* Green Vibrance is packed with micronutrients and 25 billion probiotics that support all four pillars of health: nutrition, circulation, digestion, and immunity—improving biological requirements to run at peak efficiency, increase energy, and boost your immune system."

Green Vibrance

Green Vibrance powder

An image of 3.5 stars

What I love:

  1. Pretty and bright packaging

  2. Organic and Non-GMO

  3. Made in USA

  4. 30 day money back guarantee

  5. Reasonable Price

What could be better:

  1. Low amount of vitamins and minerals when compared to most! Highest DV was calcium and that was only 17%

  2. Contains stevia and sugar

  3. No free shipping

  4. Did not enjoy green apple flavoring

  5. No money back guarantee

  6. Can only return if product is unopened

Check Price

★ What I love ️
Initially, KOS greens caught my attention with their pretty and bright packaging, presenting an aura of freshness and health that resonated with me. The organic and non-GMO claim is a huge plus, aligning with my values for clean and safe ingredients. As it's made in the USA, I felt reassured about the quality and standards of manufacturing. Moreover, the 30-day money-back guarantee gave me the confidence to try it out without worries. And let's not overlook the reasonable price point – as a mom budgeting for a family of five, this is a significant consideration.

★ What could be better
However, not all that glitters is gold. Despite its promising start, KOS greens have some drawbacks that I can't overlook. The low amount of vitamins and minerals was a disappointment; when compared to others, it falls short nutritionally. For example, calcium's Daily Value was only 17%! As a dietitian, I'm looking for a product that packs a more potent nutritional punch.

Additionally, the lack of free shipping added an extra layer of expense and inconvenience. As a busy mom, I value products that come to me easily and without additional costs. And while I appreciate the attempt at unique flavoring, the green apple taste didn't hit the mark for me or my boys. They tried it, but the faces they made told me everything I needed to know.

Super Green Tonik

KOS green powder

Opti-Greens 50

SuperGreen Tonik
Check Price
An image of 3.5 stars

What I love:

  1. Offers go packets

  2. Money back guarantee

  3. Superfoods and probiotics

What could be better:

  1. 2 scoops per serving? Only brand that required 2 scoops - I could see people only using 1 scoop out of not noticing or laziness and not getting full benefits of product

  2. Product was way too sweet!

  3. Lingering aftertaste

  4. Pricey! Over 2 dollars a serving

  5. No free shipping unless purchasing multiple products

  6. Low fiber

  7. Lack of listing for vitamins and minerals

  8. Lots of products on their websites - not much info geared towards greens

Check Price

★ What I love ️
Opti Greens 50's on-the-go packets are convenient for a busy lifestyle, and the inclusion of superfoods and probiotics is impressive. The money-back guarantee offers a sense of security for first-time users.

★ What could be better
Despite its potential, Opti Greens 50 falls short in several areas. The necessity for two scoops per serving is cumbersome and potentially misleading. The overpowering sweetness and lingering aftertaste were major turn-offs for both me and my boys. The price is steep, especially considering there's no free shipping for single product purchases, making it a costly commitment. The lack of detailed nutritional information, particularly for vitamins and minerals, is concerning for anyone trying to monitor their dietary intake closely. Furthermore, the low fiber content and overwhelming array of products on the website with scant specific information about the greens themselves are disappointing. Overall, while it has some redeeming qualities, Opti Greens 50's drawbacks significantly overshadow its benefits, making it a less viable option for health-conscious consumers looking for value and transparency.

Super Green Tonik

Opti-greens powder

Garden of Life

Garden of Life
Check Price
An image of 3.5 stars

What I love:

  1. No stevia

  2. Has minimal sugar which comes from fruit

  3. Comes in two flavors

  4. Organic

  5. Can be found in local stores like Walmart

What could be better:

  1. Very low on vitamins/minerals and super foods when compared to competitors

  2. Didn’t like taste, very “earthy and gritty”

  3. I found price on the higher end of normal greens, but definitely not the most expensive

  4. Doesn't smell good, my boys would even try it

Check Price

★ What I love ️
I like the price. This product is definitely on the cheaper end of the spectrum. They still have a diverse set of nutrients, and all the important certifications, and no stevia or added sugars. I also appreciate the fact that Garden of Life can be found not only online, but also in brick and mortar stores accross the country.

★ What could be better
Every time I notice a cheaper greens product, I wonder why it is lower than the average. In this case, first of all, the probiotic count was really low (5x lower than the average greens). The company also does not offer additional benefits like free shipping or 30-day money-back guarantee. Taste-wise, I really didn't like this one! It really smells and tastes like a juice of veggies. Not for me.

★ Description
"This greens powder is packed with raw organic greens, sprouts and vegetable juices for raw energy."

Garden of Life

Garden of Life powder

Ancient Nutrition

SuperGreen Tonik
Check Price
An image of 3.5 stars

What I love:

  1. No sugars or added sugars

  2. 3 flavors to choose from

  3. Gluten-free, made without nuts and soy

  4. Vegan, paleo and keto-friendly

  5. Good texture

  6. No aftertaste

  7. Cheaper than most

What could be better:

  1. Color - brownish/green color very unappealing

  2. Taste very “earthly/grassy”. Even though I would prefer this to an over-sweetened drink - its still not appetizing

  3. Is processed in a plant that makes other products containing dairy, nuts, shellfish, and soy.

  4. No vitamins and minerals listing on nutrition label

Check Price

★ What I love ️
Ancient Nutrition's green powder offers several commendable features that align well with a health-conscious lifestyle. The absence of sugars or added sugars is a significant plus, especially in a market saturated with overly sweetened supplements. Offering three flavors provides some variety, catering to different palates and making it a versatile choice for families like mine. The product's compatibility with gluten-free, vegan, paleo, and keto diets speaks to its inclusiveness and adaptability to various dietary needs, which is crucial in my diverse client base and even within my own family.

The good texture and lack of aftertaste are noteworthy positives. Unlike many other supplements that leave a lingering, often unpleasant taste, Ancient Nutrition seems to have nailed a formula that's more agreeable to keep up with daily consumption. The affordability and the fact that no subscription is required offer flexibility and ease for budget-conscious consumers. As a mother constantly managing household expenses, this is an attractive feature.

★ What could be better
Despite its promising aspects, Ancient Nutrition has some notable downsides. The brownish/green color is visually unappealing, which might not seem like a big deal, but first impressions count, especially when introducing new foods to children. My boys are particularly sensitive to the appearance of their foods, and this uninviting hue was a hard pass for them.

The processing of the product in a plant that handles dairy, nuts, shellfish, and soy could pose a problem for individuals with severe allergies or strict dietary restrictions. It introduces a level of risk and discomfort that many might not be willing to overlook.

Super Green Tonik

Ancient Nutrition super greens powder

An image of 3.5 stars

What I love:

  1. pretty, clean packaging

  2. Great price

  3. Can be purchased at nationwide stores like Walmart

  4. Gluten free, dairy free, soy free, Organic, non gmo

What could be better:

  1. Foamy texture once settles

  2. Too sweet for my liking

  3. Contains stevia and sugar

  4. Lack of vitamins and minerals when compared to other brands

  5. Nothing over even 10% when looking at DV needs

  6. Besides basic information and a few reviews, website doesnt contain much information

Check Price

★ What I love
ORA's green powder certainly makes a good first impression with its pretty, clean packaging. It's the kind of product that stands out on the shelf and invites you to take a closer look. The great price point and availability at nationwide stores like Walmart and Amazon are big pluses, making it accessible and budget-friendly for a busy mom like me. The commitment to being gluten-free, dairy-free, soy-free, organic, and non-GMO resonates with my professional values as a dietitian and my personal needs as a mother. It's reassuring to know I'm providing something wholesome to my three boys. ️

★ What could be better
First of all, this is the second most expensive product after Athletic Greens. There were definitely less certifications than other companies and the lack of probiotics made this a no-go for me. In addition, the taste was too sweet for me and stevia is not ideal. I'd rather go with a lighter powder that uses mint to make it taste and smell better. If you're considering spending this much money on a greens, I'd consider going with Athletic Greens over Tonik.

★ Description
"No day is ever the same. Bad food, stress, and poor sleep make it impossible to fuel correctly. Supergreen TONIK is the world's first brain and body formula that adapts to your body's needs, keeping you fuelled and ready to go every day."

Super Green Tonik

Ora green powder

Beyond Greens

Beyond Greens
Check Price
An image of 3.5 stars

What I love:

  1. Good taste If you like Matcha flavoring

  2. Has milk thistle which is good for liver function and health

  3. Reasonably Priced

  4. Gluten and soy free

What could be better:

  1. I know this one is popular but I did not like the smell of this one! Very strong and off-putting.

  2. After taste lingered for me (kept belching it up)

  3. Watery in appearance after mixing and settling

  4. Seemed more herbal based rather than providing a ton of vitamins and minerals with lack of super foods

  5. Have to be a subscriber for free shipping

Check Price

★ What I love ️
Honestly, the 365-day money back guarantee. It's the best available in the market. Greens companies usually don't offer money-back and when they do, it comes to 30 days. The lower price of this product and the really competitive money-back guarantee really make Beyond Greens stand out from the competition. This is a great option for those who are looking for a product on the cheaper side. This would be my top choice of the lower end products. Both Live it Up (#1) and Athletic Greens (#2) are on the higher end of the premium spectrum when it comes to quality and variety of ingredients and superfoods.

★ What could be better
The variety of superfoods killed it for me. It's not a very comprehensive product and the much smaller serving size (3.8g vs 8-10g average) makes me doubt if this product is cheaper only because there's less product in it. I also didn't love the taste as much as their smell. It felt a bit artificial, even though they don't seem to have artificial ingredients. I didn't like that their formula has stevia, which is a (somewhat controversial) natural sweetener. This super greens blend is a bit "sandy" and not frothy at all, which makes it look and feel more like a green juice than a smoothie.

★ Description
"Beyond Your Average 'Green' Drink: Beyond Greens by Live Conscious supports a healthy immune system, harmonious gut health, whole-body detoxification, and clean energy."

Beyond Greens

Beyond Greens powder


Check Price
An image of 3.5 stars

What I love:

  1. Has a minty flavor, better than most products

  2. Contains Ashwagandha for stress and cognitive functions

  3. Good source of fiber

  4. Contains turmeric which is great for inflammation

  5. 60 day money back guarantee

What could be better:

  1. Texture leaves residue in mouth

  2. Pricer than most

  3. Lack of vitamin and minerals compared to other brands

  4. Contains nuts

  5. Free shipping only with subscription

Check Price

★ What I love ️
I liked the certifications that Organifi presents, some of them are pretty unique to the company, like "Glyphosate Residue Free" and "Vitamin Angels". I liked how their benefits are focussed on stress, food cravings, and hydration/balance.

★ What could be better
First of all, this was a really expensive product for the variety of superfoods it contained (only 11!). It also has stevia and sugars as well as caffeine. In addition, I really did not enjoy how sweet it was. It made me think that there's an additional ingredient in there that's making it outstandingly sweet. I couldn't identify what it was, but something is making this product the sweetest one in the category.

★ Description
"Stress, cravings, and hormones can all be connected to cortisol levels. Since having a healthy cortisol pattern throughout the day is essential, a daily glass of green juice first thing can support: responses to stress, food cravings, hydration & balance - bringing the body back to its naturally-balanced state."


Organifi powder

Amazing Grass

Amazing Grass
Check Price
An image of 3 stars

What I love:

  1. Contains Fruits and Veggies

  2. Gluten-free

  3. Probiotics and digestive enzymes

  4. No sugars added

  5. Recipes on website for vareity

  6. Also comes in flavored options

  7. Also available in stores

What could be better:

  1. Not organic

  2. Not many vitamins and minerals when compared to other brands

  3. None of the vitamins listed went over 60% of DV Needs

  4. No free shipping or money back guarantee

  5. Strong smell, not appealing

Check Price

★ What I love ️
I liked that the product comes with two different flavored options (chocolate and berry). The price is very competitive and the product is also available in stores. The product covers digestion and immunity as health benefits, even though it's unclear how many probiotics (CFU count) there is in the product since they do not disclose it.

★ What could be better
Every time a greens has a more competitive price than average, something's gotta give. In this case, the product doesn't seem to have enough probiotics and has a very limited variety of superfoods. Also, I've never eaten grass, but this is how I imagine it tastes like -- not good. In addition to the grass taste, it has a smoked element to it that I couldn't figure out where it comes from. None of the other powders tasted like this one. This one really wasn't for me. Its smell and texture also reinforced the grassy element of this powder.

★ Description
“Our most popular powder blend thoughtfully combines our alkalizing farm fresh greens and wholesome fruits and veggies with nutrient-rich superfoods for a delicious way to feel amazing everyday. It’s a simple way to support your overall health and wellness.”

Amazing Grass

Amazing Grass powder

SuperGreen Tonik

SuperGreen Tonik
Check Price
An image of 3 stars

What I love:

  1. Made in USA

  2. Free shipping

  3. Money back guarantee

  4. Has a high amount of Biotin

  5. No sugar

  6. Has Ashwagandha which is great for stress reduction and brain cognition

What could be better:

  1. Taste was just too sweet!

  2. Smell was too sweet! I dont think I could drink this everyday faithfully without getting sick of the sweetness

  3. Super green alright - in color! Found the super dark green color unappealing to drink! Especially if trying to get kids to drink it

  4. So expensive! Almost double what most greens cost

Check Price

★ What I love ️
I always appreciate when a company (especially a superfood company) is transparent with its ingredients. I like the 365 money-back guarantee and the texture of the powder was also really good here. For those who prefer having a sweet taste (at the expense of stevia as an ingredient), this can be an option.

★ What could be better
First of all, this is the second most expensive product after Athletic Greens. There were definitely less certifications than other companies and the lack of probiotics made this a no-go for me. In addition, the taste was too sweet for me and stevia is not ideal. I'd rather go with a lighter powder that uses mint to make it taste and smell better. If you're considering spending this much money on a greens, I'd consider going with Athletic Greens over Tonik.

★ Description
"No day is ever the same. Bad food, stress, and poor sleep make it impossible to fuel correctly. Supergreen TONIK is the world's first brain and body formula that adapts to your body's needs, keeping you fuelled and ready to go every day."

Super Green Tonik

Supergreen Tonik powder

Your Super

Your Super
Check Price
An image of 3 stars

What I love:

  1. Organic superfoods

  2. All-natural superfoods

  3. Non-GMO, vegan, gluten-free

  4. Tastes fresh, but very matcha-heavy

  5. Transparency about ingredients and source

  6. Price is competitive (even though ingredients are much more limited)

  7. Ingredients that benefit immunity and oxidative stress

  8. 30 day money back guarantee

  9. Your Super is a B Corporation

What could be better:

  1. Very few ingredients (only 6)

  2. More limited health benefits

  3. Taste is not as good

  4. Missing probiotics and other key ingredients that other greens offer

  5. Powder was a bit chunky

  6. Doesn't come with a scoop

Check Price

★ What I love
The transparency of Your Super is what I loved the most. Their greens powder is a veggie powder supplement with a few but powerful ingredients, and their website explicitly mentions which these are, where they come from, and their benefits. I love that Your Super is a B Corporation, a certification that comes with all sorts of environmental and social requirements. Also, the price!

★ What could be better
Well, we cannot deny that the ingredient list is significantly more restricted than all the other greens powders I tried. If you're looking for a simple product, this is for you -- but if you're hoping to get a daily intake of a variety of greens, this product won't do it and you're better off paying a bit more to get more out of your greens. In addition, Your Super's greens powder really feels, tastes and smells like matcha, so for those who don't like or even love matcha (or green tea, really), taking it everyday can be an issue. I don't have a particular problem with it, but it wasn't my absolute favorite taste. I didn't like that it doesn't come with a scoop -- makes the whole process less practical.

★ Description
"The easiest way to get more greens! This powerful superfood smoothie mix combines 6 nutritious greens to support your health. Provides a portion of your daily greens. Contains nutritious superfoods like moringa and spirulina. Add daily to your green smoothie or juice."

Your Super

The Your Super powder

An image of 3.5 stars

What I love:

  1. Organic

  2. A nice amount of fiber per serving

  3. Has probiotic and beetroot for immunity

  4. Money back guarantee

  5. Price is comparable

  6. Found the smell is be appealing in that it did not have a strong over powering scent

What could be better:

  1. Didnt have much flavor and had a lingering slight aftertaste. Like I wanted to wash my mouth out with water after each taste.

  2. A higher amount of sugar when compared to most

  3. Very gritty texture, did not dissolve well

  4. No free shipping

  5. Lack of vitamins and minerals when compared to most

Check Price

★ What I love ️
We obviously don't buy a product thinking that we'll need to return it, but it happens. Nested has one of the most return-friendly options in the market. I also love when the product is third party lab tested -- it definitely adds a lot of credibility to the product. Nested organizes their supplement facts in a really easy way. The scoop with the longer handle is also a nice touch, since it's always hard to have to dig into the bottom of the powder to find it when your powder is almost all gone.

★ What could be better
It wasn't my favorite taste at all; the smell was the worst out of all the products I tested. I couldn't get past it. I also thought the product was a lot more expensive than what it should be, especially considering that it does not offer free shipping. I would not recommend Nested.

★ Description
“Nested Naturals Super Greens helps promote healthy energy levels, healthy detoxification and immune function.”

Super Nested

Nested powder

Primal Greens

SuperGreen Tonik
Check Price
An image of 3 stars

What I love:

  1. 50 plus super foods and provides a probiotic

  2. High in B12

  3. Gluten-free

  4. Made in USA

  5. Pricing is comparable to most greens

What could be better:

  1. The flavor was TERRIBLE to me - no way I can finish an entire glass - I would rank this worst out of all 18

  2. Had a very strong and distinct taste

  3. Bad aftertaste that lingered

  4. Strong smell - and taste like it smells

Check Price

★ What I love ️
Primal Greens stands out initially with its promise of over 50 superfoods and a dose of probiotics, a dream for anyone invested in comprehensive nutrition. The inclusion of a high B12 content is particularly impressive, catering to energy and neurological health, aspects I keenly focus on. Its gluten-free formulation and Made in the USA label offer reassurances of quality and safety, aligning with the high standards I set for both my clients and my family. The competitive pricing also makes it an accessible option for families looking to enhance their diet without breaking the bank. Availability in chain stores like Walmart adds a layer of convenience, which is always a bonus for a mother of three.

★ What could be better
However, the experience with Primal Greens was overshadowed by significant drawbacks in taste and smell. As someone who values not only the nutritional content but also the sensory experience of food, the flavor of Primal Greens was jarringly unpleasant, making it challenging to consume a full glass. My sons, usually eager and open-minded about trying healthful options, were immediately put off by the taste and strong, lingering aftertaste, making it clear that this wouldn't be a sustainable addition to our routine.

The distinct and strong taste, coupled with an equally potent smell, made each attempt to incorporate Primal Greens into our day a daunting task. No amount of nutritional benefit can outweigh the importance of a product being enjoyable and palatable, especially when trying to foster healthy habits in children.

Super Green Tonik

Primal Greens powder

Why I Chose Live it Up

So to recap, I was looking for a greens powder because life gets crazy sometimes and I wanted to make sure I had a safety net of greens I could count on. To be honest, I didn't go into this thinking I'd fall in love with any of them, let alone start a subscription and create a new morning ritual.

Comparable Sheet of superfood greens powders

My comparison chart with the final scores

Live it Up checked all of my boxes. It has a wide range of high quality nutritious ingredients with multiple health benefits, from energy to digestion to immunity, it actually tastes delicious (like a smoothie with fresh mint) and has a very competitive price.

Their ingredient list is as transparent as it can be, front and centered on their site and packaging. These are all superfoods with high nutrient density and certified organic ingredients that our body needs to function in the best way possible. Elso also checks the box for all the main allergies with a nut, gluten, dairy, caffeine and sugar-free product.

Overall I'm thrilled that I found a greens powder that is healthy and tastes good. I hope you found this review helpful and that you also find your daily organic greens powder that can help make sure you're getting what you need every day!

Check Live it Up Greens

Check Live it Up

Promo code TODAY10 [expiring soon!] gets you an extra 10% off

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Hi, I’m Estelle!

I've been a registered dietitian for more than 14 years and have a passion for nutrition and living a healthy lifestyle. Now that I am a mom as well, I've been trying to find easy ways to get my family to eat our veggies. I decided to give greens powder a try!

Me and my dad on a journey to test the best superfoods greens powder
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Me and my dad on a journey to test the best superfoods greens powder